WWF 전에는 이게 짱이었지, 타이거마스크! (It was the best, before WWF, Tiger Mask!)
제가 국민학교 저학년일 때, 태권도장을 잠시 다녔었습니다. When I was in 1st and 2nd grade of Elementary School, I went to Taekwondo gym for a short time. 지금과 다르게 체구도 작고 체력도 약해서인지 1~2달 다니고 코피가 나는 바람에 더이상 다니지를 못했네요. Unlike now, I was small and weak, so I had a nosebleed in a month or two, so my mother wouldn't let me go anymore. 그러다가 동네에 새로생긴 주산학원을 좀 오래 다녔던 기억이 납니다. Then, I remember going to Jusan institute, which was new..